Computer Repairing & Maintenance
includes the repair of desktop and laptop computers and peripheral equipment , involving magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices, printers, monitors, keyboards, internal and external computer modems, servers.
Cookers & Cookstove Repairing
Includes repairing electric, gas, coal or kerosene burners, ovens and cookers.
Electric Household Appliances Repairing & Maintenance
Includes repairing household refrigerators, washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, fans, mixers, toasters and other electric kitchen appliances, radio, TV, video sets.
Electronic Instruments Devices & Equipment Repairing
Includes repairing of electronics appliances and equipment.
Office Machines & Calculators Maintenance & Repairing
Includes the repair and maintenance of electronic calculators and typewriters and printing sets.
Photocopiers Repairing & Maintenance
Includes repairing and maintaining photocopiers, microfilming machines, and projectors.
Toys Repairing
Includes repairing and maintaining children’s electric or electronic games, bicycles, cars, boats, airplanes and other toys for children use.